Rupa, a 38-year-old homeless woman, sleeps only metres away from burning bodies.

15-years-ago Rupa's husband died in a car accident months after leaving her for another woman. They had an extensive home and a young daughter — Rupa chose to leave the material world behind for a simple existence at Pashupatinath where she has been ever since. 

A homeless woman from Pashupatinath reads an article from a newspaper.


I was lucky enough to stumble upon a ceremony for remembering a deceased man in a small suburb on the outskirts of central Hong Kong. 


Music: Hong Kong — Gorillaz


is a period of brief weirdness amidst the serious cheeriness of the tear that is the cosmic flop, so promise not to drop the ball again or you’ll regret descent forever. Heaven’s never there but ever present, pleasant trends are clever yet sever the scent of the breath they endeavour to be, a feather tickling the stream of conscious trickle into a dream


— Marley Berry-Pearce